Because the last mile also matters
1. SAM
- a) 1994 SMG Automotive (later Smart with Mercedes-Benz)
- b) Cree SAMc) SAM II
2. StreetScooter
- a) 2014 Acquisition of the SAM development department by StreetScooter GmbH Foundation of StreetScooter Scheweiz AC on 1.4.2014
- b) 2014 Acquisition of StreetScooter GmbH by DPDHL in December 2014
3. Component Development
- a) 2014 I Software - Release V4 BMS
- b) 2014 I Software - Release V5 BMS
- c) VG6 BMS Hardware & Software
4. Platform and Products
- a) 2019 NG-1 BMS & BCM
- b) Energy Storage
- c) Connectivity
5. The Future as Product Company
- a) StreetScooter AG becomes INOMO Techonologies AG Technologies
- b) ECUs
i. BMS
ii. BCM
iii. VCU
iv. TCU - c) Connectivity and Energy
i. Charging and Load Management
ii. 2nd Life Energy Storage

Because the last mile also matters
Everyone is talking about sustainability and connectivity - the question is no longer: if, but how to electrify? Our vision is to revolutionise the last mile, by which we mean the final part of transport to the end customer's doorstep, and to make it as environmentally friendly and attractive as possible - always with the aim of finding precisely the customised solution that best fits our customers' requirements profile and fleet through our modular development solutions in hardware and software. Electromobility - made with Swiss precision and innovation.

Because the last mile also matters
Everyone is talking about sustainability and connectivity - the question is no longer: if, but how to electrify? Our vision is to revolutionise the last mile, by which we mean the final part of transport to the end customer's doorstep, and to make it as environmentally friendly and attractive as possible - always with the aim of finding precisely the customised solution that best fits our customers' requirements profile and fleet through our modular development solutions in hardware and software. Electromobility - made with Swiss precision and innovation.

Because the last mile also matters
Everyone is talking about sustainability and connectivity - the question is no longer: if, but how to electrify? Our vision is to revolutionise the last mile, by which we mean the final part of transport to the end customer's doorstep, and to make it as environmentally friendly and attractive as possible - always with the aim of finding precisely the customised solution that best fits our customers' requirements profile and fleet through our modular development solutions in hardware and software. Electromobility - made with Swiss precision and innovation.

Teamarbeit ist unser Fundament
Die INOMO Technologies GmbH baut auf Teamarbeit.
Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass die Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden im Team sowohl zu unserem Erfolg als auch zum Erfolg unserer Kunden führt.
Wir sind stolz auf unsere positive Einstellung, die Übernahme von Verantwortung für Herausforderungen, Probleme und Chancen, den respektvollen Umgang mit anderen und die Bereitschaft, alles zu tun, um unseren Verpflichtungen nachzukommen.
Vielfalt, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion
Unsere Mission besteht darin, langfristige Beziehungen aufzubauen, die auf hervorragendem Service, erstklassigen Produkten und maßgeschneiderten Lösungen basieren. Wir bieten Ihnen ein Höchstmaß an Verfügbarkeit, Funktionalität und Langlebigkeit für Ihre unternehmenskritische Umgebung.
Wir behandeln unsere Kunden und Lieferanten mit Integrität, Fairness und Respekt.
Meet the talent
The core foundation at INOMO is teamwork. We believe that working as a team with our customers is what leads to both our success and our customers’ success over the years. We pride ourselves in having a positive attitude; taking ownership of issues, problems, and opportunities; treating others with respect, and doing everything it takes to meet our commitments.
Our Team